Safety Original and Creative Artwork Competition 2021

Under the direction of our amazing Safety Champion, Roel Espiritu, this year Safety competition had a bit of a twist in light of the continued difficulties that our high school students and their teachers had with dealing with face to face and distance learning. It was decided to expand our reach and open the Safety contest to our HAIP Members’ and Corporate Sponsors’ families younger generation. e.g.: children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc. for grades 6-12.
With that said, we are very proud to announce winners of the HAIP Safety Creative Artwork:
Carly Miyamoto - Pearl City High School
Teacher: Chris Windnagle
Rachel Yang – Moanalua High School
Teacher: Leroy Na’a Makekau
Aiden Takase – Pearl City High School
Teacher: Chris Windnagle
We also wish to thank our Corporate Partners for sponsoring the prizes to our winners:
Island Insurance
Thank you so much for your generosity and the amount of gift items that you submitted!