Safety Photography Competition 2020

This year HAIP did things a little different, primarily because of COVID. Rather than a safety essay contest we did a safety photography contest under the inspiration and direction of the Safety Committee Champion, Roel Espiritu. The contest rules contained the following guidelines:
- Photographs must be the original work of the student.
- Photo file sizes must be between 4MB to 10MB
- Written descriptions of photos are to be typed using a legible font up to 50 words.
- Photographs must be about, or have to do with, ‘Safety and Health...Pandemic’ – for example, students can touch on risks, activities, physical/mental health, and preventions while at home, out and about, and at school.
- Photography artwork should have a title (be creative).
- The student’s first and last name, school name, grade level, and teacher’s name must accompany the completed photo artwork.
The winners of the 2020 Saftey Photo Contest were:
- First Place: Kaylen Landry, Mililani High School, Grade 11
- Second Place: Reyn Nishimura, Mililani HIgh School, Grade 12
- Third Place: Jared Toledo, Mililani Hight School, Grade 9
Congratulations to these amazing students, their teachers, and parents!